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Title |
Environmental Education Manager |
Reference |
(Please mention Stopdodo/green jobs in your application) |
Sectors |
Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location |
Northern Ireland - UK
Town/City |
Belfast |
Type |
Fixed Term and Permanent Roles |
Status |
Full Time |
Level |
Mid Level |
Deadline |
21/10/2019 |
Company Name |
Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful |
Contact Name |
Website |
Further Details / Applications |
Description |
Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful wish to appoint a skilled, enthusiastic and highly motivated manager to oversee and guide the strategic development of the Environmental Education Department at Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful.
The Environmental Education Manager will directly manage the following Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) international programmes: Eco-Schools; Young Reporter’s for the Environment and Learning About Forests.
The Manager will also have responsibility for leading a number of other environmental education initiatives and will deliver a wide range of agreed environmental education outcomes.
Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful reserves the right to hold a reserve list, for a period of approximately 12 months, from this recruitment to fill similar roles which may arise.
For more information and an application form please visit www.keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org or send an A4 SAE, with stamps to the value of 96p, to Applications, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, Bridge House, Paulett Avenue, Belfast, BT5 4HD.
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