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Strategic Compensation Project Manager (x2) - Offshore Wind Industry Council

Reference     (Please mention Stopdodo/green jobs in your application)
Sectors   Including Mitigation, Science & Management
Location   Wales (North) - UK, Wales (East) - UK, Wales (West) - UK, Wales (South) - UK, Wales (Central) - UK, Scotland (North) - UK, Scotland (East) - UK, Scotland (West) - UK, Scotland (Central) - UK, England (Yorkshire & Humberside) - UK, England (North East) - UK, England (North West) - UK, England (West Midlands) - UK, England (East Midlands) - UK, England (East Anglia) - UK, England (South West) - UK, England (South East) - UK, England (South Central) - UK, England (London & Greater) - UK, Northern Ireland - UK, Scotland (South) - UK, UK - Flexible - UK
Type   Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status   Full Time
Level   Senior Level
Deadline   04/02/2024
Company Name   RenewableUK
Contact Name  
Also Listing:

Offshore Wind Industry Council

Strategic Compensation Project Manager (x2)

Are you looking for a challenge? Would you like to support the offshore wind industry meet net zero targets? Do you enjoy the challenge of bringing people together to reach common ground?  If so, this opportunity could be for you.

We are looking for someone who enjoys solving problems, working with people who bring different views and perspectives and who can appreciate the environmental challenges faced by all those involved in the offshore wind.

The joint Government and industry Offshore Wind Sector Deal sets out commitments to deliver the 2030 and net zero offshore wind. The Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC), a joint government and industry forum, is responsible for delivering the Offshore Wind Sector Deal, with delivery workstreams including skills, supply chain, grid, consenting and environmental (Pathways to Growth, P2G).

We are looking for two experienced Project Managers to support delivery of a multi-million-pound project to develop strategic ecological compensation solutions, supported by the Offshore Wind Evidence and Change programme. Both roles sit within the OWIC, hosted by RenewableUK, and have budget responsibility. Examples of the types of work you would be responsible for include:

  • Delivery of specific work packages strategic compensation project such as artificial nesting structures for seabirds, predation reduction measures or habitat creation schemes.
  • Lead scoping, commissioning and management of project work packages, including engaging with suppliers, alongside the Programme Manager.
  • Building and maintaining a strong network of stakeholders, including with Government, Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies (SNCB), regulatory bodies and other relevant stakeholders across the UK
  • Support delivery of the overall strategic compensation project programme
  • Keeping relevant project management documents, such as risk registers and action logs, up to date.
  • Keeping track and reporting on workstreams progress within overall project to the project team and externally. 
  • Representing the strategic compensation project team at internal and external meetings such as the Collaboration on Offshore Wind Strategic Compensation (COWSC) groups, industry developer forums and events.

It is important that the job holder shares our values and models the behaviours that support them.  Our organisational values are: Trusted, Passionate, Collaborative and Innovative.

If you are interested in this opportunity and would like to understand more about the role please contact Kat Route-Stephens at kat.route-stephens@renewableuk.com. Application is by CV and covering letter setting out why you think you’d be an ideal candidate for the role. Please send you CV and covering letter to jobs@renewableuk.com

The closing date for applications is 4th February 2024.

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