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We couldn’t find what you were looking for, but here are some previous jobs that matched your criteria

Permanent* / full time*offered on a 12 month contract basis initially, with possibility of extension / move to permanent contract, subject to local terms. Location: The successful candidate may be based in a country where one of the independent ...
Netherlands - Europe

£79,000 to £84,000 per annum (depending on experience)
The Programme Director is responsible for all communications and campaigns at Greenpeace UK, which aim to halt climate and biodiversity breakdown and promote a just transition. The role will report to the co-EDs and be part of the senior management ...
England (London & Greater) - UK

Naša Zem a my, co na nej žijeme, celíme klimatickej kríze, ktorej dôsledky sa zhoršujú. Aj ked coraz viac ludí zacína chápat, co klimatická kríza znamená, ešte ...
Slovakia - Europe

Szukamy osoby, która z pozytywna energia zaangazuje sie w pelna koordynacje dzialania osób aktywistycznych oraz dalszy rozwój naszej sieci aktywistycznej. Kogos kto czuje i wie, jak tworzyc warunki dzialania, w ...
Poland - Europe

Greenpeace is a cause, a movement, a family. We are devoted to protecting the environment and changing the views of people towards nature from passive to active. Our supporters are changemakers. They are the reason Greenpeace is alive, strong and ...
Bulgaria - Europe

Australia and the Pacific are unique and precious environments. We’ve got a beautiful climate, rich oceans, vast forests and precious ecosystems. Yet, all of this is under threat. Greenpeace takes action to protect our natural home, now and ...
Australia (New South Wales) - Australasia

Greenpeace to miedzynarodowa organizacja pozarzadowa, dzialajaca na rzecz ochrony srodowiska naturalnego. Organizacja koncentruje swoje dzialania na najbardziej istotnych, zarówno globalnych jak i lokalnych, zagrozeniach dla ...
Poland - Europe
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