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The Program / Department / Team The Mercy Corps Global Policy and Advocacy (GPA) team works to support Mercy Corps’ mission by advocating for better policies and practices of bi-lateral donors, multilateral institutions, ...
Netherlands - Europe, Wales (North) - UK, Wales (East) - UK, Wales (West) - UK, Wales (South) - UK, Wales (Central) - UK, Scotland (North) - UK, Scotland (East) - UK, Scotland (West) - UK, Scotland (Central) - UK, England (Yorkshire & Humberside) - UK, England (North East) - UK, England (North West) - UK, England (West Midlands) - UK, England (East Midlands) - UK, England (East Anglia) - UK, England (South West) - UK, England (South East) - UK, England (South Central) - UK, England (London & Greater) - UK, Northern Ireland - UK, Scotland (South) - UK, UK - Flexible - UK

The Development team works to raise private funds, cultivating and maintaining relationships with private donors; define the agency’s brand, raising our public profile and sharing stories about our work by engaging with the media, the public, ...
Oregon - America North, District of Columbia - America North

At Mercy Corps, we understand the pivotal role of universal energy access in shaping a more sustainable future — one defined by thriving economies, stable food and water supplies, and peaceful, effective governance. To realize this vision, we ...
Kenya - Africa